Replace career confusion with career confidence, whether you want to improve in your current position, change jobs, or start your own enterprise. This hands-on, experiential course teaches you step-by-step how to define and redesign your Personal Business Model™ — the logic by which you create and deliver value. Gain clarity and power at work by mastering the systematic, repeatable way to optimize the most important business model of all: business model you. Taught directly by the author of the global bestseller Business Model You.
    Networking can feel awkward and phony, but it doesn't have to be that way. This course can help you approach people and make genuine connections for life using your own style and interests. Too many people associate "networking" with a job hunt, when they are feeling most vulnerable, and even under time pressure, to somehow meet and become BFFs with that one magical person who can open all the doors and usher them into a perfect new job. Wouldn't that be great? But it doesn't work that way. Job hunting — and really any quest for useful information to open your mind to new possibilities — is more like a scavenger hunt. You have adventures and meet people along the way who provide clues and rewards, and help you shape your ideas. With their help and your curiosity and energy, you get where you need to be. Another key to making good connections is understanding that this is a lifelong activity. None of us will have one employer or one job. The average worker today may hold a dozen jobs over his or her professional life. And the people you meet where you're working now, the people you went to school with, people you've met through co-workers or friends, at conferences or alumni gatherings — these are the people who become your network for years to come. And here's some good news: you don't have to meet everyone in the room. You don't have to spend time with everyone you've ever met in passing, let alone stay in touch with them all. You'll naturally gravitate to some people because they're kind, funny, thoughtful, or memorable in some way that connects with you. These are the ones who form your network. Your brain trust. And the key to building a network for life is really about keeping in touch those people. It's never been important than it is today, when we change jobs, locations, and even fields throughout our working lives. I have worked for tech companies in Silicon Valley for 30 years, as a writer, editor, and communications pro. Since the tech world is so fluid, I've held many jobs and met many people. It's the norm in tech to move around — and to stay in what I call "loose touch" with others, who are also moving jobs and reinventing themselves, as I have done. And this is a reason why, even though I'm introvert (who can't wait to get home and have quiet time to process the day), I enjoy a wide-ranging network of allies and friends across industries, roles and locations. Over the years people have introduced others to me for career advice, or guidance on working in technology, saying that I "know everybody." It's true I know a lot of people, but even more than that, I keep in touch, often simply through our LinkedIn connection or whatever channels we're on together. And I'm always open to meeting others when an opportunity arises. In fact, lots of us know lots of people, at least casually. The real secret is paying attention in the moment, and keeping in touch informally and occasionally, so that when you have a question or a quest you can reach out to someone in your web of contacts without fear or anxiety. And you, in turn, can offer that support and guidance to someone else when they ask. This course offers both practical how-to's and a touch of philosophy: there are specific tasks and steps to take to meet and stay in touch with people; and it really helps to be open and curious when you meet someone new. In this course, you'll: Discover why it's beneficial to make and keep connections throughout your working life Cultivate an authentic web of connections with people you like Identify online tools that make it easy to be in touch with many people virtually Determine how to network at your current job Recognize the importance of keeping track and keeping in touch I'll hope you'll join me in uncovering, and discovering, a better way to make and keep authentic connections with people. CPE (Continuing Professional Education) Learning Objectives Explain the benefits of networking today. Define the concept of “loose touch.” Describe how you can leverage your contacts when you need something. Discover ways to best use LinkedIn for networking. Identify ways you can use Twitter for networking. State the value of email in networking. Explain how you can network on the job. Recognize the importance of viewing networking as an ongoing activity of cultivation like “farming." For additional information, including refunds and complaints, please see Udemy Terms of Use , which is linked from the footer of this page. For more information regarding administrative policies, please contact our support using the Help and Support link at the bottom of this page.
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      Are you someone who has always wanted to attend college in the United States but are not sure how to get started? Do you have specific questions about the application process and what to do to improve your chances of being admitted? If so, this FREE preview class is for you.  It’s a selection of lessons from GoStudy’s popular paid courses about application, school, and life success, and is a great starting point for anyone interested in learning more about: How to apply and what materials are required; School quality and rankings; Different types of admission, academic degrees, and colleges and universities; Applying on your own versus working with education agents; Requesting and submitting recommendation letters; Applying to a community college; Health issues to consider before and while studying in the United States; School orientation programs; Different types of visas; What an I-20 is and why it’s important; and How to prepare for your visa interview. In addition, this course includes overview lessons that explain everything that’s included in GoStudy’s complete online courses, which are widely recognized as the most comprehensive, timely, and accurate college application courses in the business. So sign up and get ready to change your life!
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        In order to be prepared, one must seek preparation. Burns, bleeds, accidents, concussions, etc. They happen. Knowing what to do around a victim or loved one may be the difference between permanent injury and the lack thereof. Doing something is always better than doing nothing. Panicking will make things worse. Having watched this course will allow you to feel more comfortable about several phobias you may have. What if I get bit by a snake? What secrets are there to stop a bleed? It very may well be the best investment you make to someone that may need it. The course was designed to be a building block for furthering your knowledge. For example, it will make it easy to understand how to deal with someone that has been knocked out; however it is not for the emergency physician or neurologist that will be conducting the neural exam. It will make sense of why we need to oxygenate a patient, not the exact rules and numbers that you are encouraged to learn in other courses.
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          **During the Covid pandemic festival attendance has changed, but the concepts taught in this course can still apply. It is just as important as ever to be ready to interact with others in the industry and to have an organized method of maintaining contacts, which are the key elements in this course. I have decided to offer it for free during this time so you'll be ready to go when we're back at the festivals again.** If you're a filmmaker or screenwriter, you’ve probably gone to a film festival or a writer’s conference with the hopes of making an important connection. If you’ve ever come home with a stack of business cards that sat accusingly on your desk until you just gave up and stuck them in a drawer or worse, threw them out because you didn’t know what to do with them, then this course is for you. Everyone knows the film industry is all about who you know. However, if you’re like most writers you would not say that networking is your strength, and you may even feel uncomfortable or fake about it. So many of us are introverts and much prefer to hide at our desks writing than socialize with people, especially if we’re supposed to “network”. To me networking is as simple as going somewhere to connect with other people in the industry and putting in a little extra work to maintain those connections in a way that feels authentic and is mutually beneficial. I built my entire business on word of mouth referrals and I want to teach you how to do the same for your screenwriting career. By the end of this course you will: Know what and who you should research before you get to the event What tools will make networking easier for you What things you should have ready to take with you Have a working contact management system set up, ready for you to use at your next event have a technique for contacting anyone about 1-on-1 time during the conference feel more confident reaching out to industry connections understand how to keep in touch consistently so you can strengthen your industry network I’m going to keep things simple and teach you the basics of collecting and managing contact information so you can build relationships over time. I’m not going to teach you gimmicks or how to spam and annoy people. I’m going to give you a simple system to follow so that you can make the most of events you attend and make it easier for you to keep in touch with the people you meet. If you set up and use this system for your next festival or conference you will set yourself apart from the majority of other attendees, paving the way for you to stand out in a sea of writers. If you would like to become a better networker, get more out of the events you attend, and learn skills that will grow alongside your career... Enroll today!
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            As I have been teaching in different colleges of Lahore Pakistan for 15 years and also online on different platforms for last 5 years,I have thousands of students both offline and online,therefore I have created this course on Success Visualization to give you the most powerful tips and tricks on success issue because everybody is keeping different kinds of success in their lives and its a difficult question that what kind of success is called the real success in life. I have created the power point presentations on different aspects of life to highlight which aspect is keeping the top priority to gain the top success ratio because some aspects are so crucial that if anyone loses from that angle,he or she can not be called a successful personality.Actually in my opinion success is the name of that victory which provides you satisfaction even the loss of so many things in your life but you are satisfied because you have gained whatever you wanted.Obviously nobody can cover the whole aspects of life and half glass of life dreams will remain empty.Therefore when we sit to concentrate on success ratio of our lives or others lives,we must keep this point in our minds before making any judgement. I hope you will find the possible solutions to succeed in your life by gaining your objectives after joining this course and real meanings of success and failures will also be explained to you by giving suitable examples and this course will assist you a lot in building up your career in understanding the true meanings of success and failures and right directions towards a prosperous life.
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              Soft Skills are important tools to reach success and happiness. By developing the right Soft Skills you can reach your true potential, career development, and business advancement. You will learn how to: Define what success means to you; Eliminate limiting believes, procrastination; Overcome resistance to change by focusing on your end goal; Obliterate self-doubt by looking into your past success and find reasons to believe in your capacity to succeed again; Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses so you can identify what skills you need to train; Use tools and processes to build a Soft Skills Training Plan; Build a strong motivation, find a big enough reason to help you put your plan in action; Start believing in your dream of success and happiness. This course has 3 parts: The 1st part is about Self-management , preparing your mindset for change: raise your self-awareness, eliminate self-doubt, build your self-confidence, define your motivational reasons, discover Kaizen principles and rewire your thinking; The 2nd part is about Self-assessment : identify your past pattern for success, acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, envision your future; The 3rd part is the Step-by-Step Process to set and implement your Soft Skills Training Plan; This course is for if: you are looking for a way to develop your skills so you can advance in your career, change your career or build a successful business; you are a student looking for a program to help you develop the right set of soft skills that you will need to land your dream job. This course is not for you if: you are not looking for a change and you are not willing to take action towards that change; you are looking for a magic pill to change the world around you while you stay still.
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                This is an introductory course where we will discuss What mentoring is, What mentors do and Why Mentoring works. Deciding to become a mentor may be easy for some but not so easy for others. So if you want to know whether mentoring is something you should consider in this course we cover some of the reasons mentoring remains one of the most effective and efficient mechanisms of skills and knowledge transfer and some of the characteristics you need to have if you are considering mentorship.
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                  Learn English the way native speakers talk! Whether at the grocery store, on the phone, watching videos, or ordering food, these expressions are used in fast-talking situations. In this mini-course, you will walk away with a better skill and learn the difference between the spoken slang and professional written form of these 15 words. You will learn: 15 Common Slang Words How to Say and When to Say Them How to Write the Slang and Correct Spelling of the Words If you learn these words, it will help you with customer service skills, presentations, and other professional or informal settings.
                    NEW UPDATE: Doubled the content and added in 5 more lectures! Feeling overwhelmed in jumpstarting your Cisco IT career? No worries.. I've got you covered. If you've always wanted to learn how to become a successful Cisco IT engineer step by step, this mini course covers everything you need to get you started on the right path. It's intended for people that want to become a network or systems engineer with a special focus on Cisco technologies. In a nutshell, this is "How To Become a Cisco Engineer 101". Get all the real insights, strategies, and tips to map out your career. But don't take my word for it. See what my students have to say below. "Awesome course ! Terry shares his precious experience on career planning in the IT field and the "Course Links and References.pdf" is very useful in the course, thanks!" -Ernest "Nice short introduction into the world of Cisco. The educator gives clear how-to instructions - where to begin, how to start with no experience, etc." -Marc "This definitely deserves a top rating! He was articulate, enthusiastic. This is a really intelligent approach into the world of computer networking if you like working with technology in the computer networking world! The instructor was engaging and gave an interesting delivery while keeping it real! Thank you!" -Chuey "Clear, easy to follow, and informative... before viewing this course I was confused on how to navigate Cisco certification and career pathway. Also the additional resources are a big bonus as well." -Keeona "I'm really pleased to have found that kind of course, it helped me to get a better idea about my career blueprint!" -Thomas "Terry Kim gives good information about starting off in the IT field as a Network Engineer and more. I highly recommend this course for anyone switching into IT, having a hard time landing a job in IT and such. Great course to take!" -Carlos "These sessions are very enlightening indeed as to what the IT career field is all about, and what one might expect to experience were (s)he to become involved in it. It's well worth the time for anyone who is even casually interested in such work." -Gene "It will fill you with confidence + how to build a future in IT. Awesome!" -Irfan